
Baby reflection
Baby reflection


Goal: Create an App and publish it in the App Store.
Benefit: Learn everything involved in creating, maintaining and selling an iOS App.
Result: Appseez and the My Baby Growth Charts App.

My Baby Growth Charts

My Baby Growth Charts is an iPhone App for parents and health care professionals who want to track the growth of a baby and see how it compares with the typical growth pattern that most babies go through.

Interaction Design

The Interaction Design of the Apps is not meant to win any prizes for innovation. I wanted the Interaction Design to be very decent and behave as close to a standard iOS App as possible. This also enabled me to develop faster because the XCode development environment contains a library of standard iOS UI elements.

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The Apps were developed as native Objective-C Apps using the XCode development environment. I used the XCode "storyboard" functionality (see image).

The open source library called Core Plot is used for the graphing functionality.

Mybabycharts storyboard 2


Note: an iOS 8 and iPad version is in the works.